growing in faith, love and fun together!

We believe church should be a fun and engaging place where kids can learn all about God's love for them through age-appropriate hands-on activities. Our "Plucky Church" Sunday School Program is perfect for children ages 4 through 10th grade.  When you enroll your kids, they'll learn so much more than just Bible stories. 

They'll learn about:

  • Christian Values such as kindness, honesty, forgiveness and patience
  • The importance of serving others
  • Why taking care of God's earth and each other matters

Join us on Sundays from September to June at 10am.  (We take a little break for the summer.)  


The Nursery is open! Nursery Care during Sunday Worship is currently available from 9:45am to 11:30am. Parents can drop off their infants and toddlers in the nursery room in the preschool wing. Our Greeters are available to direct you!  

make a joyful noise!

Wednesdays 4:00pm-5:00pm. All children (4 years old - 2nd grade) are invited to join us for singing, games, activities and learning about Jesus and his love for us. Please contact our Director of Music Ministries, Karl Geiger at for more information.


jubiliation ringers

Karl Geiger, our Director of Music Ministries, leads this jubilant group of young hand bell ringers!  It's a great way to learn the joy of playing music as a group - all you need to know how to do is count! The group occasionally rings during Sunday service to show off what they've learned! 

families worship together on  communion sunday

The first Sunday of the month is Communion Sunday here at Pluckemin Church.  It is such a blessing to share the Lord’s Supper together as a family. Therefore, on Communion Sundays, children will remain in in the Sanctuary for the entire service to experience all of the blessings and treasures Communion Sunday has to offer.

vacation bible school

In July we hold Vacation Bible School - a one-week, 1/2 day program for children 4 years of age up to 6th grade that's filled with fun faith-building experiences for your children! Each year there is a different theme where kids can get fired up about God. The week promises to be loads of fun with daily crafts, games, songs and much more! 

VBS is held for one week in July, 9:00am to 12:00pm each day. Dates are posted as VBS begins registration.